Java Solution to Codility’s Missing Integer Problem

June 27, 2018

Hey Developer, I am bringing you another high quality Java solution. This time, I am solving the Missing Integer problem…

Java Solution to Codility’s Tape Equilibrium Problem

June 27, 2018

Hey Developer, I am bringing you another high quality Java solution. This time, I am solving the Tape Equilibrium problem…

Java Solution to Codility’s Cyclic Rotation Problem

June 25, 2018

Hey Developer, I am continuing my quest to provide you with high quality Java solutions to some of Codility’s coding challenges. Today, I am solving cyclic rotation…

Java Solution to Codility’s Binary Gap Problem

June 23, 2018

Hey Developer, Codility is a great tool for practicing your problem solving skills. However, they do not provide you with solutions to their practice problems, which can definitely be frustrating at times. I hope my solutions can help you understand how to solve the problem in the least amount of time possible.

Contact Form Plugin Not Working. (Plugin Development)

May 15, 2018

Hey Developer, Before this blog ran on WordPress, It was a very small website with a contact page. The contact page was just 1 file called contact.php. Of course in WP, you can either implement a contact form as part of the theme or as a plugin, with plugin being the preferred choice. I found…