June 25, 2018
Hey Developer,
I am continuing my quest to provide you with high quality Java solutions to some of Codility’s coding challenges. Today, I am solving cyclic rotation which can be found here.
My solution has runtime of O(N) and space complexity of O(N) as I am using a second array to solve the problem. The key to solving this problem is properly using the modulo ‘%’ operator, which gives you the remainder after a division. Let’s dive in!
If K % N == 0, then after K rotations, the array would be exactly the same as the array we started with.
If K > N, then we can reduce the value of K, so that we don’t have to do unnecessary work.
For example: if N = 5; K = 99; then K = 99 % 5 = 4; This means that if we rotate the array 4 times or 99 times, our result would be exactly the same. Lets just do less work!
The last step is to simply iterate through rotated_A, and fill it with the rotated values from A.
Below is the code for my Java solution.
class Solution { public int[] solution(int[] A, int K) { // Create a second array int [] rotated_A = new int[A.length]; // number of elements in A int N = A.length; // if A is empty OR has 1 element OR the number of rotations would simply return the original array if (N == 0 || N == 1 || K % N == 0) { return A; } else { // modify K to avoid wasting processing time if (K > N) { K = K % N; } // iterate through rotated_A and populated with the rotated values from A for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // if the elements are being moved from right to left (Cyclic rotation) if (N - K + i < N) { rotated_A[i] = A[N - K + i]; } // if the elements are being moved from left to right (left to right rotation) else { rotated_A[i] = A[i - K]; } } return rotated_A; } } }