July 12, 2018
Hey Developer,
I am bringing you another high quality Java solution. This time, I am solving the Max Double Slice Sum problem which can be found here.
My solution has a runtime of O(N) and space complexity of O(N). I think this problem is conceptually difficult to think about, however I will do my best to explain it.
Let’s look at the picture below and make some key observations.
After digesting the equation for the problem, The sum of double slice (X, Y, Z) is the total of A[X + 1] + A[X + 2] + … + A[Y − 1] + A[Y + 1] + A[Y + 2] + … + A[Z − 1], we can simply see that the problem can be separated into two subarrays. The minimum value for our slice is always 0, because consecutive numbers such as (2,3,4) will yield 0 + 0 = 0.
The first subarray called leftHalf is from [1, Y).
The second subarray called rightHalf is from (Y, N – 1].
To solve the problem, we maximize the left slice, then we maximize the right slice and combine them. In the example above the maximized left slice is 2 + 6 = 8, and the maximized right slice is 4 + 5 = 9. This gives us 8 + 9 = 17.
Now of course, we know this is the correct answer by the problem description, but in reality we are checking the max double slice for Y between [1,N-1].
The code below works like this:
NOTE: The tricky part is figuring out which value in our array goes with our current rightHalf.
Below is the code for my Java solution.
class Solution { public int solution(int[] A) { // number of elements in A int N = A.length; // variable representing the maximum slice int maxSlice = 0; // holds the results for the left half calculations int [] leftHalfResults = new int [N]; // used for calculation of the right half int rightHalf = 0; // maximum slice of the first half // starts at 1, because our value at index 0 is always going to be 0 // ends at N-2, because that is the maximum size for our left half // leftHalfResults[0] = 0; for (int k = 1; k < N-2; k++) { leftHalfResults[k] = Math.max(0, leftHalfResults[k-1] + A[k]); } // calculate the maximum right half // At the same time calculate the maximum slice for the current leftHalf and rightHalf combination for (int i = N-1; i > 1 ; i--) { // the tricky part was to figure out what k should be to make sure the two halves correspond to the same midpoint // this took some time to do using System.out.println() int k = i-2; // when the right half is 0 if (i == N-1) { rightHalf = 0; maxSlice = Math.max(maxSlice, leftHalfResults[k] + rightHalf); } else { rightHalf = Math.max(0, rightHalf + A[i]); maxSlice = Math.max(maxSlice, leftHalfResults[k] + rightHalf); } } return maxSlice; } }
Hello Bogdan,
You are an amazing coder. I have been looking for this JavaScript solution for some time now and this is it!